The gun is the protagonist

By 18 febrero, 2016English:Blog

I have always been keen on both cinema and literature. The former is obviously easier and faster to digest. However, I am not such a big fan of American cinema, as in recent decades it has become far too special effects driven. Sometimes, there seems to be no story at all! It is just one explosion after another, followed by one gun shot after another. In American cinema, the gun is the protagonist. If you sit back and think about the number of films you have watched or T.V. series; ask yourself how often during the «story» did the characters pull out guns and start shooting at each other?

Attention spans are getting shorter and movies are getting dumber. So why cater so much for the lowbrow section of society. Well….. the lowbrow section of society makes up 60% of the population and the more of a foothold that these movies get on society, the more sure you can be that this figure is steadily increasing.

There are exceptions of course, but they are becoming few and far between. I can’t remember the last time I watched an American film from start to finish and felt that it was worth my time.

On the other hand, I can think of dozens of European or World Cinema films which are beautiful, constructive, worthwhile and sometimes even original. Here are a few worth mentioning: «Wings of Desire» by Wim Wenders, German cinema, «Cinema Paradiso» by Giuseppe Tornatore is Italian cinema, or even more recent films like «Untouchable» by Olivier Nakache which is French cinema. In British film I would point out obvious examples like «Billie Elliot» by Stephen Daldry or even «Slumdog Millionaire» by Danny Boyle. I think cinema goers, need to be more demanding when it comes to their viewing and not simply settle for another gun fest.

I am aware also, of the need for some excitement with explosions and the odd gun or weapon within the plot, as these things exist in real life but I think we are currently saturated with such films.

If you wish to discuss your own opinions on today’s cinema, then I hope to see you soon at clases de ingles en Valencia

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